Chemical Properties

Elements IS 1786 - Fe500
Carbon 0.30 (Max)
Sulphur 0.055 (Max)
Manganese 0.75 (Max)
Phosphorus 0.055 (Max)
Carbon Equivalent 0.42 (Max)
Nitrogen 0.012 (Max)
Note: For guaranteed weldability, Carbon equivalent (CE) not to exceed 0.42%

Mechanical Properties

Mechanical Properties Unit IS 1786 Fe500 KISCOL Fe500
Yield strees Min N / mm2 500 min 540 min
Tensile Strength N/mm, Min N / mm2 545 min or 8% over YS 600 min
Elongation, Min % % min 12% min 14% min

Comparitive chart with ISI standard 500

Size Specified weight gm/m Tolerance limit gm/m Permissible Wt. Variation gm/m Weight Tolerance gm/m Weight Variation gm/m
8mm 395 367 - 423 56 371 - 395 24
10mm 617 574 - 660 86 580 - 617 37
12mm 888 844 - 932 88 852 - 888 36
16mm 1580 1500 - 1659 158 1516 - 1580 64
20mm 2470 2396 - 2544 148 2408 - 2470 62
25mm 3850 3735 - 3965 230 3753 - 3850 97
32mm 6310 6121 - 6499 378 6152 - 6310 158
Know about KISCOL Fe500 TMT Rods